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Monday, January 23, 2006

Happy Birthday Baby

My baby is 4 today! I wasn't sure we were ever going to see this day. Considering there where many days I wasn't sure she was going to make it past 1. Many days I swore I was going to sit on her. (that's my threat) Be good or I will sit on you! I figure as long as I am bigger than she is I can always use this threat. Well this morning Rose was sitting on the floor while I was getting ready and this is the song I heard I don't need my mom and dad anymore because I am 4 and can do anything that I want to, because I'm a big girl! "mom do I look like a hippo""mom what's a hippo?". Were not sure where she came from! Many mornings start this way. Instead of breakfast I get small dictator like advice and demands. Rose wakes me up with "I want breakfast because I am soooooo hungry" (this needs to be said through a whine and fake tears). So we hear in the Bos's believe this is going to be an interesting year to say the least. I have to go I hear fake cries calling me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Casey, as far as I can remember - the even years are good - or is the odd?? can't remember - evidently it doesn't matter - does it - love ya

Happy birthday - moya - it is 6:50 pm on the 23rd - just about the same time four years ago that we were rounding the last leg of the trip to Cincinatti - it was raining - but warm - like today - what an exciting evening - I fell in love with you instantly - and just knew I could never live without you - well here we are - miles and miles apart - but still close in spirit and love - you are my love - "who loves you baby" - and "I do believe in miracles" - love Memaw