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Thursday, January 12, 2006

The boy next door

Shasta aka Chester


Anonymous said...

I hadn't had a chance to read your blog because I've been so busy with school, but tonight I needed an excuse not to read yet, so I went exploring. I love it!!!

You are a great writer and I love being able to hear about your lives 'down-under.' It makes me feel Moya is still close when I can read your descriptions.

It was great to see her on the camera & M-Ds but I like being able to follow everything daily... especially through the lense of your creativity, imagination and sense of humor!!! Keep it up!!

Miss you & lov eyou all

P.S. We don't need tests to tell us how smart Moya is!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hi Honey - missed your humor tonight - but Chester is a doll - Love Mom

Suzer said...

What a cutie! He might be Moya's first crush, or vice versa, wink-wink, nudge nudge, know what I mean. Smiles...