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Tuesday, February 28, 2006

Society of the Ninja

We have a ninja in the house! I know how alarming this can be to you, but we have grown accustom to our nighttime intruder. The ninja is quiet and stealthy and can move on tip toes across the floor, up the stairs, and into our room. The ninja is so good she can climb in between Liam and I without us noticing. We believe this intrusion is occurring between 2 and 4 am but we can't be too sure. You would think a small wiggling body would alarm us but we have adapted to this evening ritual. She curls in sleepily, nudging out the current occupants, and relegating us to the far corners of the bed. We oblige by teetering on the edge gripping with toes and fingernails to the last vestiges of the sheets just so our little ninja can be comfortable. In the morning I am always a little surprised to see her lying peacefully in the middle coveting all the blankets stretched out happily dreaming. I like to take these quiet moments and ponder my current situation like when did I give up my rights to the bed? Then I think why did we agree to this ridiculous scheme but then I stop thinking and tip toe out of bed and let sleeping ninjas lie. Shuuu....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's always the best policy, for everyone involved, to "let sleeping ninjas lie"