You paid attention during 69% of high school!
68-84% Pretty good, you know that there are libraries and newspapers, and you remember what you've read. You were a child that wasn't left behind!
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Liam got 91% not to shabby!
Neither of you paid attention!!!!! You are both just way too smart for your own good... Stop trying to make everyone believe you were good little high school students... we all know the truth...
So what parts did you attend to? I'd ask what you didn't pay attention to, but how would you know if you weren't paying attention?!?!
I scored 75%, but it didn't tell me what I got wrong...I'd hate to think it was the art questions!
I got the same grade...
I think it supports my theory of "what you don't use, you lose." Either that, or "out of sight, out of mind." You pick.
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