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Monday, October 30, 2006


Rose has gone into crisis mode. For the past three nights she has either been going to bed at two in the morning or just plain getting up two or three times a night and wondering into my bedroom. This makes for a very, very difficult morning. Rose and her father have been fighting none stop since I went into the hospital. Rose has turned into a manipulative brat. She cries if she doesn't get her way or tries to bargain her way into something she thinks is better. She is trying to take control and I am in bed unable to step in and Liam is to tired to work on it. So this morning I got up with them and "tried" to help out. This house if falling apart and I can't do a damn thing to stop it. Rose and Liam are out of control and I am going to sit on them both. I have had enough and the buck stops here!!!! There are going to be some changes made...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good luck. Even without all the stuff you've got going on, we struggle. We've been trying different approaches and making changes to try to work them out. Sometimes it works, sometimes we've had to just punt and try again. Wish we could help ya.