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Thursday, July 20, 2006


The Rockhampton photos are coming, honest. I just have to download them to my computer then post 'em, so be patient. Quick update though. We went to Repromed at 9:00 on Wednesday morning. We love our new doctor! We had a 45 min appointment and in that short time he made me feel like it was possible to get pregant again and not only that but, I may be able to get pregnant on my own once we get my endomitriosis in order. He also came up with a suggestion as to why Rose was so weird at deliever. He believes she was having withdrawls from the Paxil I took while pregnant with her. What he said all made sense. She was so placid at birth and then went all cranky which is very common for babies coming off of medicine. He also believes that my endo is back and once we take care of that there is an excellant chance we could get pregnant on our own. The thought is that as my endo gets worse the more pain I experience around my period and the least likely I am to concieve on my own. In a sense my own body is attacking my eggs and not allowing me to get pregnant. So we are going to do some cheap test and take a look at everything and wait untill January and go on from there. I have hope again and I am thrilled to be back in the infertility race. Not to mention come Janaury a cycle of IVF is only 2ooo dallors and once you pay your first 1000 the goverment pays you 80 cents on the dallor making each treatment rather cheap (in america a cycle could cost you more than 7000 for the same treatment). I would also like to shout out to Chery Muchow who has delivered a healthy baby boy named Isaac Joseph. Mom and baby are doing well. So congrats to the new family!


e4 said...

Awesome. I'm really happy for you. That makes my day.

Anonymous said...

Hi Casey,
I am happy for you and will pray for you and Will. Emmy had a boy on June 27 (Kuke Josiah) you can see him at comemaugh.org if you want.

Anonymous said...

Sorry i mispelled Luke.

Suzer said...

I'm glad you have a plan! (and a cheaper one at that) My ex sister-in-law has endometriosis and the Dr.'s told her she would never have kids because the scaring was so bad. She got pregnant with my nephew which put the endo into remission and then breast fed him until she got pregnant with her second and then breast fed #2 until she got pregnant with #3! So there is definately more than just a glimmer of hope for you. She was told it would never happen, you are being told you can so you should end up with at least 6 or 7 kids, right?

Courtney said...

It sounds like someone is finaly figuring some things out. I hope your plan works! I have a friend who had a surgery for endometriosis and is now 3 months pregnant. Good luck!!!!!!