I should write something interesting about how fast time is going, or time flies when your having fun. Maybe I should say something prophetic about the passage of time and growth of small children. All I have to say is time does fly when you look back and think my baby was just born and now she's 6 but its the day to day time I'm thinking of. That time goes really, really, really slow! I'm talking astronomically slow, turtle and snail slow. Its saying don't put that in your mouth for the hundredth time to only realize only 5 minutes have passed. Life goes very slow when your yelling at the top of your lungs!
ps, no matter how long you stare at that clock the time will never change.
Five things about me you probably don't know????? That's hard I'm sorta like an open book don't ya think!
1. I'm still scared of the dark
2. Even though I can't give birth again and the two I have drive me nuts I would love a third child!
3. I hate mushrooms!
4. I once had to be a guy in a dance routine for "Oliver" and my mom said I looked like Lucy (from I Love Lucy) and she couldn't even watch me (she was laughing to hard). In my defense I only had a week to learn the dance moves.
5. I have been featured in the Pittsburgh Gazette four times.