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Friday, October 12, 2007

funny they smell...

So how have you been? Me, well I've become the human catch basin. What does that mean you may ask yourself... Lily has been sick. She sounds quite a bit like an old dog chocking on a Mr. Coffee. Once the dear girl has hacked up a lung and has nicely taken her meds she proceeds by throwing up the contents of her stomach, camouflaging me in green and orange. That's okay I tell her lovingly as I turn her to face me so she can cover me in regurgitated peas (funny they smell the same coming up as they did going down). She obliges me and snuggles in after the eruption. I strip both of us down to our skives and lovingly bath her in warm water as I kneel shivering over the edge of the tub. I finish this off by smothering her body in Vic's vapor rub and dressing her for the 4th time. I however, have procured a item from what I like to believe is the "clean pile". Dressing myself in a shirt professing the greatness that is Guinness. I spend the rest of the day repeating the above with the exception that now, during my spare time I run around attempting to locate the odd smell coming from everywhere and nowhere. Ps, its me!


Morgan said...

by the way I have come down with something nasty can't understand why?

Suzer said...

Awww, poor baby, and poor baby. I hope you both get to feeling better soon. Puke is not much fun no matter how festive it may look ;)

JBTW said...

With this wave of my magical wand I will make you all healthy & provide you with a dose of the flu shot. 3 - 2 - 1 *tah dah*

(Um, feel better yet?)