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Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Anwyn files week 3

Anwyn has just come up to day 20 in the NICU. She is still at the low end of her temp. She is taking a bottle every other feed and she now weights 4lbs 12oz. I am still working through my guilt and frustration and saddness. We are now on our own. Liams parents left bright and early this morning and are headed home. They have been great about getting me back and forth from the hospital everyday and taking care of Rose as I healed. We could not have made it through these past weeks without them.

1 comment:

network_weasel said...

I am glad you had the 'rents to help out in the first few weeks. I know how much of a difference it makes. It is great to see the weight continue to inch up each post. Get some rest when you can. You might even go so far as to invite friends and family over so you can take a nap while they do the dishes or cook a meal. *smiles*